Kamis, 21 Juni 2012

Digital marketing

Definition of digital marketing
Digital marketing is the use of digital sources based on electronic signal like internet, digital display advertising and other digital media such as television, radio, and mobile phones in the promotion of brands and products to consumers. Digital marketing may cover the more traditional marketing areas such as direct marketing by providing the same method of communicating with an audience but in a digital fashion.
Benefits of digital strategy and marketing
The concept of Digital Marketing is a marketing concept that focuses on the development of internet / digital marketing with the development of three categories: 1) content marketing, 2) search engine marketing, and 3) social media strategy. Thirdly it is a solution for your company to compete and succeed in the digital era. The main benefit is felt after you run the company the concept of Digital Marketing is able to achieve a better target market, increase sales, and digital branding to build a more cost efficient.
In the Year 2010, a study and analysis of business results under the title The State of Inbound Marketing shows that the concept & Inbound Marketing tool capable of generating leads at a cost 60% less likely to produce more value. *
Benefits of Social Media Networking Promotion For Business:
     - Establish and Improve Brand Awareness (Establish a Brand and Raise Awareness)
Because the majority of the population had visited social media sites like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, to get your brand name across the network can help make people aware that you are being 'outstanding'. If you have not created the company's image online, social networking is the place to do it.
Make a video on YouTube that entertain and inform. Funny video tend to make their way around the Internet much faster than other types, so when making a video, remember that you want to be quite interesting to your target audience to want to share. Using Facebook and Twitter to create a fun online community that your customers will want to visit will increase brand loyalty and drive traffic to your website, so you have the opportunity to make more sales online.
     - Spying on competitors
Follow your competitors on Twitter and Facebook and you'll be able to see what they have done. Just make sure to provide something better than what they provide.
     - Pitch Products More Humane Way, Interactive
Because people visit social media sites to get a personal thing rather than be bombarded with ads, discuss your business in a fun and engaging your customers with questions, is how the cutting edge. Ask for their opinions and ask them to respond back. This way you make valuable connections that will help you increase the number of return customers.
    - Pull Attention for Your Product
Featured products on social media sites is one of the quickest ways to attract attention. Along with the promotional offer to members of online communities and watch your sales skyrocket.
    - Improve Customer Loyalty And Faith
Talk to your customers in a personalized way will make them feel like talking to a friend, not a company. This will help build their confidence in you, which will make them do business with you rather than your competitors. It will also increase the likelihood of customer recommendation.
     - Opinions Listen to Your Customers
Social media sites are a wonderful way to see what your target audience want to say about your company or your product. Take them and use constructive criticism to improve your product to better meet their needs.
     - Conducting Market Research
Listen to what your customers are saying about your product and keep track of what they are clicking on the link and you'll begin to see what your customers like and respond. People love to express their opinion on social media sites, which will allow you to hear the truth. Then you can use your newfound information to tweak your product or service to please them and continue to put more information and links that they will enjoy.
     - Strengthen Customer Service
Social media network allows your company to answer the questions your customers' concerns directly and in a timely manner. This will improve customer satisfaction and also saves money on long distance customer service phone call away.
The key in using a digital marketing strategy is to put emphasis in promoting beauty products, customers receive any form of advice for the improvement of products and services, sensitivity to the various competitors in business, as well as maintain the beauty in communicating with customers. Way of marketing with gentle language, and a flexible policy, but a quick response is needed if we are to succeed.
Examples of digital marketing company
for example is the Magnum, AirAsia, Pizza Hut, and Enchantment JNE which utilizes the phenomenon of social media to campaign for its products and services or simply a community to retain customers and expand its market coverage.
In South Korea, there is a supermarket called Telco Homeplus could implement digital marketing strategies which are very innovative in order to increase sales. By putting up posters which illustrated a variety of their wares in a subway terminal where many people passing by. What is interesting is this is not a regular poster. People can buy goods which are pictured in the poster is through their mobile phones. The buyer can simply scan the QR (Quick Response) Code on each item.
With mobile marketing strategy which is integrated with e-commerce website Tesco.com, the Telco Homeplus great success creating Word of Mouth among the people of South Korea. In an instant the number of new members who registered on the site increased by 76%. And the number of online sales increased by 130%.

created by : Dwi Septiandika (25209336)    class :3EB07

Selasa, 19 Juni 2012

"secret admirer"

Bila dirimu sekarang sedang menunggu seseorang untuk menjalani kehidupan menuju Ridho-Nya, bersabarlah dengan keindahannya. Demi allah. dia tidak datang karena ketampanan, kecantikan, kepintaran ataupun kekayaan. Tapi allah lah yg menggerakkan. Janganlah tergesa untuk mengekspresikan cinta kepada dia sebelum Allah mengizinkan. Belum tentu yg kau cintai adalahyg terbaik untukmu . Siapakah yg lebih mengetahui melainkan Allah? Simpanlah segala bentuk ungkapan cinta & derap hati rapat2, Allah akan menjawabnya dengan lebih indah disaat yg tepat.

Minggu, 17 Juni 2012


Terima kasih tuhan telah beri pelajaran. Pengalaman ini hempaskan ku dalam gelombang bahagia tak teraih. Sesalpun ku dapati hanya bisa berharap semoga ia kembali. Ku rindu caramu isi-isi hariku. Rindu perhatianmu manjakan diriku. Lihat ku disini terpaku terbujur kaku tak lagi ceria hari-hari ku terasa rapuh. Kini ku harus rela dia yg engkau pilih semoga bahagia, doaku menyertaimu. Dalam sunyi jalani konsekuensi. Sadar akan posisi taukah kau ku bergelut sepi tanpa durasi, rasa perih sungguh tak mampu ku tutupi. Berusaha hadapi namun emosi membuntuti. semoga dewasa ikhlas ku mengiringi bahwasanya dunia tak ada yg abadi..

Senin, 11 Juni 2012

Sesungguhnya peralihan dari kesalahan menuju kebenaran, penuh dengan rintangan yang panjang, namun sebenarnya ia sangatlah indah dan menyenangkan..
Mendapatkan 5 hal melalui 5 jalan :
1.Berkah rezeki akan diperoleh melalui shalat dhuha.
2.Cahaya dalam kubur melalui shalat tahajud.
3.Kemudahan dalam menjawab pertanyaan Mungkar dan Nakir melalui membaca al-qur'an.
4. Kemudahan melintasi sirathal mustaqim melalui puasa dan sedekah.
5.Mendapatkan perlindungan arsyilahi pada hari hisab melalui zikrullah.

Renungan 2

Apakah engkau berputus asa karena tidak pernah menemukan jalan keluar, jika memang demikian dimanakah Allah dan takdir-Nya?. Allah yg Maha Pengasih pasti memberikan kemudahan.Kadangkala Allah memberikan kenikmatan dengan cobaan yang besar, dan kadang kala Allah menguji suatu kaum dengan limpahan kenikmatan. Jika tak senang dengan sepatu kita yg lusuh, ingat;ah mereka yg tak berkaki namun tak mengeluh. Seberapa letih, lelah dan sakitnya kita. Masih ada orang yang letih dan lelah lebih dari kita tetapi mereka tetap tak mengeluh. Ada saja cara mereka untuk menyemangati diri. Ada saja sugesti untuk membuat diri mereka semangat. Ada saja pemikiran positif yg mereka punya hingga mereka tetap bersemangat. Ada saja cita-cita ingin mereka gapai hingga semangat itu tetap terpatri di dada mereka. Tetaplah berlari, walau kita berat untuk di jalani. Percayalah kita mampu menjalaninya. Asalkan kita selalu mensyukuri. Selamat berproses..

Ikhlas dan Tawakal

Jika semua yg kita inginkan harus kita miliki, lantas darimana kita bisa belajar ikhlas..
Jika semua yg kita mau harus terpenuhi, lantas darimana kita bisa belajar sabar..
Jika doa kita harus langsung dikabulkan, bagaimana kita bisa memaksimalkan ikhtiar..
Jika kehidupan kita selalu bahagia, darimana kita bisa mengenal Allah lebih dekat..
Segala ketentuanNya adalah yang terbaik walau terkadang yg terbaiktak selalu yg terindah..


Ketika manusia berniat, maka Allah lah yang akan menyempurnakan.
Shalat malam dan sedekah mangantarkan kita pada pertolongan Allah.
Orang sukses bukan sekedar niat dan mengetahui tapi dapat melaksanakannya.
Semoga Allah senantiasa memberikan yang terbaik untuk kita dan menistiqomahkan kita selalu..